
My Reflections

Here Is Why Your Holiday Will Not Fix Your Problems…

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*Keep reading for my recent feature in the British Chamber of Commerce Dubai News

Yes. That’s right. Even if you head to a retreat and do lots of breath work. It is a temporary fix.

Here’s why…

Holidays, retreats and travel feel great. 

It will feel refreshing. You’ll probably catch up on much needed sleep & create some wonderful memories. 

We are caught up in the exciting new. They fill us with dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. All of the feel good hormones. 

But these elevated hormones whilst on holiday do not last. It’s a temporary plaster. Its a temporary feeling. It’s not sustainable. 

At some point, our emotions come back down to our regulated normal baseline.

We head back into our normal environment. The holiday ends. 

The environment hasn’t changed. You’re back in reality. 

Even though our holiday experiences have changed us slightly. The old mindset, feelings, thoughts & behaviours return. 

The job will be the same. The people in your community will be the same. The problems in your relationship or lack of one will be the same. It will all return when you get home. 

That feeling that you’re trying so hard to reset through your holiday will unfortunately return. 

So, why not use your time away to start your sustainable reset?

Yes you can dabble with wellbeing, relaxations and enjoyment on your holiday but those thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you have wired will take more than a holiday to shift. 

You need support from a professional on how to change your thoughts and feelings & therefore behaviours in an environment that does not change. That is true empowerment and sustainable change. 

If you’re tired of feeling the way you do, tired of repeating the same patterns, tired of feeling exhausted, burnout, alone? 

Take this holiday time to invest in yourself, reach out, I’m a psychologist and therapist and can speed up the process of you changing those feelings you’re trying to avoid for the long run. 

Why not use your time away to start your sustainable reset? Use the time to understand yourself. Use the time to rewire those thoughts & feelings that no longer serve you. Use the time to create a healthier & better relationship with yourself so you can relationship better with those significant others?

When you return, you really have started the reset for the new?

It’s time to invest in yourself.

Book your discovery call here

Whether you want to use the term psychologist, psychotherapist or coach, whichever makes you feel more comfortable in helping to tackle the relationship with yourself and others I am an online relationship therapist which can help you understand behaviours which may be effecting your marriage, relationship or dating habits.

Get in touch and book your 20minute discovery call.

Best wishes,


Psychologist, Therapist, Couples Therapist, Coach based in Dubai providing global online therapy to those in need.

We don’t need to hurt.

#relationship expert

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