
The Attachment Style Quiz

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I can be very emotionally present with others (friends, family, partners, strangers), but it takes me a while to build trust and share vulnerable things about myself. *
I often put other people in my life on a big pedestal (partner, friends, family) *
I feel naturally comfortable and safe expressing my feelings and needs to loved ones. *
I feel very upset when others infringe on my need for space or time alone. *
I am willing to work through challenges in a relationship before suddenly trying to leave the relationship itself (If you're not in a relationship, think of how you would handle conflict in a partnership) *
I tend to be out of touch with my emotions quite frequently *
I am very attuned to others' needs and often put them before my own and resent it later *
I constantly want to be emotionally closer to my partner. This can also apply to my close friendships or romantic interests. *
I am effective at compromising and communicating. *
It is very difficult for me to set boundaries unless I am angry. I can sometimes set excessive boundaries and push people away too dramatically out of anger. *
If I notice my partner showing any signs of coldness, I panic and want to get closer as quickly as possible. This often happens to me in friendships as well. *
It is not uncommon for me to experience inward emotional turbulence throughout the duration of my romantic relationhip. This applies to close family members as well. *
I often feel very hot or very cold towards my partner or family members. I tend to operate in extremes in how I related to others. *
I know that I am worthy of a healthy, happy relationship. *
When I feel hurt by a loved one, I often have a strong fight of flight response. I find myself wanting to push this person as far away as possible (friends, family, romantic relationship). *
I do not feel as though I need anything from my romantic partner or loved ones. It can be difficult to conceptualize how others would meet a lot of my needs. *
I do not enjoy being out of romantic relationships. I often fear being alone. *
If a loved one's behaviour hurts me, I will express my feelings and try to understand what caused them to act that way. *
I hunger for closeness, but I fear the emotional difficulty of it at the same time (friends, family, romantic partners). *
I do not like making social plans with others in advance. I often fear being trapped by commitments with other people. *
I find that setting boundaries comes naturally to me. *
I focus much more on the relationships in my life than I do on myself. *
I often feel protective over my space, privacy and belongings. *
I generally feel invaded when my partner or loved ones demand too much physical affection. *
I would prefer to spend most of my free time with my partner if I were to be in a romantic relationship. It would be hard for me to want to do things separately. *
I feel that it is easy to be vulnerable with my romantic partner or loved ones. *
I find that my partner or loved ones usually emotionally recover from conflict before I do. *
I deeply fear being abandoned by my partner or love interests. *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Are you in a relationship? *

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