Work With Me

The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.

We are all expected to be able 'to do' relationships. Yet, we do not have any education or training for what is probably one of the most important roles in our adult lives.
So, no wonder why most of us find it challenging.

To an extent, we are all co-dependent where we over people-please, over-apologise, over-extend, over-step, find attraction in the wrong places, repeat patterns and relationship dynamics, or find it difficult to communicate our needs where we are left feeling unappreciated. If we do not have a positive, informed, and aware relationship with ourselves, it can often create a level of conflict in our relationships with others. We are always fifty per cent of any relationship with another, and therefore it is important that we can take responsibility for being the best aware version of ourselves.

I specialise in attachment and how this affects our relationships. I work with individuals who are currently going through or have been through divorce, separation, or a break up. As well as individuals who have been single for a long period of time or those wanting to improve and ‘own’ their part of a current relationship.

I am committed to helping you move into a more secure, interdependent, and healthy relationship with others whilst committing to your own personal growth, which will positively impact the growth and happiness in other aspects of your life. Sometimes we need an experienced and empathetic third party to hold up a mirror so we can see our false beliefs, our negative patterns, and our self-sabotaging behaviours to improve the quality of our relationships.

Attachment & Relationship Self-Investment Packages Range From:

12 sessions
8 sessions
4 sessions

Depending on your relationship status and needs, packages are custom-made for each individual:
  • Past, current, and future relationships have their challenges and often come with historic hurt or trauma. We all have individual and unique relationship journeys, so depending on your specific journey, your self-investment package will be custom to your needs.

    Here are some areas that have arisen in others…
  • Demons from our past can often cause us to armour up and subconsciously self-sabotage by closing off or being emotionally unavailable to avoid hurt, fear, rejection, or abandonment. Sometimes this happens when we are not even aware of it, and can keep us feeling distant from our partners or keep us being single because of what we tell ourselves.

  • Other demons from our past may make us feel anxious in new relationships, or we may fear that our partners will leave or abandon us?
  • Following a recent separation, divorce or break up, we may feel like our life has been completely flipped upside down, and we have no idea how or where to go from here. We may struggle to control our emotions and get a hold on moving from dependent to independent in terms of health, wealth, and relationships?
  • Sometimes we need immediate support following a separation, divorce or break up? When we are in the fresh and raw part of a break up, we need emotional support to deal with the immediate aftermath of a separation. It is a very painful and uncomfortable time, and we may emotionally dump, express hurt, or bring negative energy to friends.

  • We need a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential space to work through our pain and grief cycle to get back on our feet and start planning a future away from dependent to independent.
  • We need to become empowered again and use the uncomfortable change to grow and create a better version of ourselves.

  • Sometimes we need to learn how to take back our control, learn how to communicate effectively, express our needs, and be heard so we can start to live a more fulfilled relationship and better-quality life.
  • Or perhaps, we need an experienced third party to help us work through our thoughts about an ex. At times, we may regret a particular separation and feel we want to work through the possibilities of 'if' or 'how' we can get back with an ex-partner.

  • Friends and family will often tell us that "there are plenty more fish in the sea" or that we "are better off without them". But, friends and family can only help us so far; they have their own biases and their 'love for us' clouds their ability to stay impartial or truly listen to what we need and want.

Relationship challenges tend to bring up deep-rooted emotions.

Such as low self-esteem, confidence, self-doubt, negative self-talk, anxious or depressive thoughts or feelings of unworthiness and not being enough.

We will work together in a safe, confidential and supportive space to transform your relationship with yourself and those significant others. 

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