Reading Essentials

Here are some must read books from my survival guide, which come highly recommended by myself & my courageous clients to help support your healing journey…


By Dr Amir Levine & Rachel Heller

An introduction to attachment styles to help you self-discover your role and repeated behaviours in romantic relationships.

The 5 Love Languages

By Gary Chapman

An introduction into the different types we give and want to receive love from our romantic partners.

How to do the work

By Dr Nicole LePera

Why are we the way we are? A reflective read into our hardwiring, patterns, and behaviours.

Hold me tight

By Dr Sue Johnson

How to communicate better with our romantic partners to enhance our relationship needs and experiences with those we love.

It's not me, it's you

By John Kim & Vanessa Bennett

A reflective read into our hardwiring, patterns, and behaviours in romantic relationships.

Anything Brene Brown!

Various titles

Reflective and heart-felt vulnerability in how to stay true and connect with ourselves.

Why Won't You Apologise

By Harriet Lerner PhD

A reflective read on the challenges of trusting again and healing after broken connections.

The Dance of Connection

By Harriet Lerner PhD

How to communicate better with our romantic partners to enhance our relationship needs and experiences with those we love.

The Dance of Anger

By Harriet Lerner PhD

A reflective read on how to regulate anger and mis-communication within relationships.

Mating in Captivity

By Esther Perel

A reflective read into our romantic relationships with a focus on our and our partner's intimacy and sexual needs.


By Glennon Doyle

A reflective read into our hardwiring, patterns and behaviours so that we can live our most authentic and self-fulfilled lives.

The Power of Now

By Eckhart Tolle

A reflective read that we should stay present in the moment to reduce depressive thoughts from the past and reduce anxiety from the unknown future.

Tips, Tools & Resources

Exercise & Moving
Did you know the ‘feel-good’ chemicals released through exercise & moving our bodies are the exact same chemicals released when we are in the presence of a romantic interest…
Sleeping & Listening
The importance of listening to our true-selves, journalling and creating positive sleeping routines…
Positive Self-Talk & Gratitude
What is positive self-talk and how does practicing gratitude help to accelerate our self-discovery, empowerment, and healing journey…
Balanced Eating & Fluids
Did you know that we often turn to sugars, fast foods and increase our alcohol consumption when we are going through tough times? Did you know that this is probably a way to avoid how we are truly feeling and increases anxious and depressive thoughts with an increased chance of panic attacks…
Reading Essentials
Some ‘Reading Essentials’ recommended by myself and my courageous clients for self-discovery, learning, reflections & the healing process…
Emotional Dumping
Did you know that when we are anxious, depressed or sitting with painful & challenging emotions we crave talking about how we are feeling; over and over again with friends or family members…
Breathing & Calming
How can we self-sooth and calm ourselves when we feel emotionally over-whelmed and out of control…
Exercise & Moving
Did you know the ‘feel-good’ chemicals released through exercise & moving our bodies are the exact same chemicals released when we are in the presence of a romantic interest…
Sleeping & Listening
The importance of listening to our true-selves, journalling and creating positive sleeping routines…
Positive Self-Talk & Gratitude
What is positive self-talk and how does practicing gratitude help to accelerate our self-discovery, empowerment, and healing journey…
Balanced Eating & Fluids
Did you know that we often turn to sugars, fast foods and increase our alcohol consumption when we are going through tough times? Did you know that this is probably a way to avoid how we are truly feeling and increases anxious and depressive thoughts with an increased chance of panic attacks…
Reading Essentials
Some ‘Reading Essentials’ recommended by myself and my courageous clients for self-discovery, learning, reflections & the healing process…
Emotional Dumping
Did you know that when we are anxious, depressed or sitting with painful & challenging emotions we crave talking about how we are feeling; over and over again with friends or family members…
Breathing & Calming
How can we self-sooth and calm ourselves when we feel emotionally over-whelmed and out of control…

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